
On Asexuality | by Art Hake

Instead of speaking of homosexuality, bisexuality or whatever that concept stands for, I think we should focus a bit on a-sexuality.

Asexuals are everywhere. They infest our clubs, our streets and our close circles of friends. Well logic says an asexual is out of the game. I mean he’s got the tools; he just doesn't seem to use them at all with others. He's non-sexual, non-interactive on the libido level. Even his innuendos are covered-up. But still, out of all the boys around, why do I always fall for that same guy?

Is it because he “could” be straight and that challenge makes him more desirable? Or is it because he’s ignoring me and I just can’t accept it? And why must I always pick him when he’s at the peak of his identity crisis?

We are society’s products and ours does a really good job at fucking minds up.

Asexuals lack something: guidance? Self-esteem? A sense of priority? (that job can’t be worth so much booty!) They should be encouraged to dip in the water. Nothing lasts forever and better make use of whatever we got, as long as we still have it. I’m just tired of having to do the job again and again. Mind you, the results are not that good either. Despite the tremendous efforts (and patience) we put into creating a comfortable and tolerant environment for them, most asexuals remain where they are. Very few dare crossing the lines: the hetero side is scary. The homo one is terrifying. The predator lays low, building a mirage of guilt-free images, but the victim needs more time. And time is a luxury gay men on the hunt can’t seem to afford. Everybody loses. Well occasionally, the family grows by a few and more late-bloomers join the La-la-land sisterhood. I hope it was worth the waiting. I still got blue-balls!

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