A first installment in Zico House last month, a second one in Argos (Hamra) two weeks later, and a #3 at the Roger Moukarzel studio in Qarantina a couple weeks ago – feedback says they were all kindof fun and started to build a growing pack of regulars.
Terrible quality phone pic from the Roger Moukarzel party but… you get the picture. |
To stay in line with Facebook lexicon, we’ll say we LIKE the gayfriendliness / diversity / age mix of the crowd; we LIKE the male/shemale dancers in minimal attire (a daring and rare sight for Beirut); we LIKE the choice of music pre & post general drunk status. And we LIKE the choice of locations so far, although still lacking the creativity of Cotton Candy – speaking of which, last Saturday’s at Cinema Estral with Nomi Ruiz was a blast!
But to be fair, let’s also mention we UNLIKE the “open-bar” that runs out of alcohol at 1am; the unavoidable hangover from the cheapest choice of vodka. We UNLIKE promoting so much the drinking part of it like this is a fraternity beer pong, and trying too hard to convey that trash/glam image they seem to have in mind.
Party #4 is coming up this Saturday with a mystery “P…C…” theme. Scratch that. It’s “Pussy Cat”. Will you make it there to find out what the kittens have in store?